Monday, December 10, 2012

What's Happening at Beyond Prenatals?

Where Have I Been?

Since my last post in June, I have lived in 3 places. I said a couple of good bye's and one huge hello.  The first was our beloved NYC apartment. That was a difficult good bye. The second was a bungalow in upstate NY, where I hope to return this summer to spend more time with family and set up a temporary summer nutrition practice. The third and final place was our new home in Israel. We have moved to the Holy Land.

After I spend some time settling in and getting my licenses/degrees transferred to Israel, I hope to be back to teaching and seeing patients.  In the meantime, nutrition and breastfeeding classes may start up again soon and I have many health observations to share on the blog. Stay tuned!

Saying good bye to Central Park, a.k.a. our backyard:
(The paths leading from all Central Park tunnels curve so that 
there is always an air of mystery and appropriate)

Saying "until we meet again" in upstate NY:

Saying Hello to Israel:

Come back soon to read about what to eat when you are packing up,moving in, and living temporarily in between; stress and health; breastfeeding culture in Israel; preschool nutrition; and more!!

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